Saturday, November 30, 2019

It's a day off.....Play a good book.

I have heard half of it at this point.    Read it for real.    I find it a calm background for me.   It is a book that almost was just a bit off on the date.    I think 2025 is more like the date when we all will be asking Big Brother when to take a poop.   Or the DEM Party.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Why are people showing up at airports with guns in their bags?

The same dude showed up at our Syracuse Airport twice to fly to Florida with a loaded gun in his carry on.    He said it was an error.    He forgot.    I don't buy it when it happens twice.    Another dude had a over round clip in his baby's bag.    Yet another had a gun,  knife,  and inert plastic explosives.    Yes not working explosives....BUT....well I don't get it.    

My weakness....Cookies!

Christmas Cookies at that.    I ate so many one time at work....well it was a bad two days after that.    Your body is not made to suck up all that sugar and floor.    Needless to say the butter was bad too.

So fire the person....

The Police Chief of the Kiefer, Oklahoma police department said in a Facebook post that one of his officers was picking up an order at a local Starbucks and there was a derogatory term printed on the label.   Police Chief Johnny O'Mara said in his post that one of his on-duty officers was getting drinks for the dispatchers that were working today. O'Mara posted a picture of the label of one of the Starbucks cups -- which had "PIG" printed on it.

How dare a worker at a coffee shop print PIG on an officer's order tag.   That isn't even a joke.  It's rude.    But it won't go far.     Police officer just has to suck it up.   While people who were asked to leave and not use the bathrooms get a cash settlement.    As  they should.    Me...I don't use that chain.   

They always run with this ...Let's eat the rich!

Look it is to bad we all don't pay the same rate.    But we don't and never will.    They are full of it.    They never will tax the rich more.    The rich have high paid lawyers,   more money,   and in the end win the game.   Most of us could care less about D.C. getting it's hands on more of the money.    CUT SPENDING!  

Russian kid claims he is an alien.

[photos] Russian Child says he is an Alien and We May Have Reason to Believe Him

Hell I think most modern day humans came from Mars.

Yet another Christmas tradition that is going away.

People are loosing interest in growing trees.    They don't all sell anymore.    Profits are low.   It takes years to grow them.    Farms are closing up.

The new Bonnie and Clyde...well fictional.

Image result for bonnie and clyde

Hey it makes for a good movie.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Finn was the Star Wars Leak!

John Boyega, Daisy Ridley posing for the camera

Resistance fighter Finn in the franchise. The 27-year-old actor admitted to leaving his script under his bed, where it was later found by a cleaner....OMG!

No Girl....NO!

Who dressed her that night?  

I hope the wind doesn't ruin the big fly....

Could be some real bad winds....

A ghost at the White House?

Watch the video and what you think.

Why do they fell they have to tell you eating all the food is bad for you?

Yup it is way to many pounds of fat ass food.

I remember playing the record over and over.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

This is a country full of iron handed leadership.

Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Wednesday praised the country's people for foiling a "very dangerous" plot, after violence erupted during protests this month against a fuel price hike...

All of this sounds like the 1984 Book...

Hey old man....

Andrew is going out and the other Royals are just happy...

Prince William wants to push him down and say....YOU KNOW WHY!

Two went in and one left....

You are not fired!

Think about it...What did they do with their guides?

What Happened To Sacagawea On The Lewis & Clark Expedition

Think about the fact they ended out miles from the Native's lands....What happened after that?

Rare And Ridiculous Stories Of The Lewis And Clark Expedition

In May of 1804, an expedition commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson set out to map the newly acquired land from the Louisiana Purchase and find a connecting waterway to the Pacific Ocean for commerce. To lead the exploration, he appointed Meriwether Lewis, an outdoorsman and hunter who was 29 years old at the time, and William Clark, a 33-year-old trustworthy soldier. Together with a small team of tough young men, they set out on an expedition that would last 863 days and take them across 7,689 miles. While the history books commemorate it as a dignified exploration, there was also a lot that went down. They completely blew their budget, certain individuals broke into supplies and got drunk through the night, and when Sacagawea was nine months pregnant they had her eat the rattle of a rattlesnake to induce labor. Learn what else happened that you never learned in history class on the great Lewis and Clark Expedition.


So your kid wants a B B Gun...

Let him or her have it.    Make sure to be there when they use it.   Raise a kid that goes outside and plays.   

It's a world wher you can't even trust the Bus Driver...

Dude was driving a bunch of kids to school and pounding a beer.    Video caught him.  He is gone.   I just want the days when you knew the driver was okay.   We have lost so much in this world.   Church  and a man or lady you can count on.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

That crap was sad....

Dude thought the window was closed on a cruise ship.   Brought his Grand Daughter to look out the window.   He dropped her out 120 feet to the water.   Yes she is gone.   I believe him.   The word is he is to be charged...With what?    We just have to see. 

For all the ((HE LEFT!!!)) ...

The word is our guys are hitting back hard in the Syria area....

Two birds ....One goes free.

The White House pick must be hard...One of you goes in the oven and the other goes free.   The man that will decide...You are fired...!!!

Bad news...They saved him and he is dead anyway.


So he retires and eveyone forgets it....

Not knowing for sure he did anything be it.

Okay the first sign you went the wrong way.

Yes I should have put it all in storage.

I won over $2500.00 in Star Wars toys years ago.    Gave them right over to my son to open and play with.    Man some of it would be worth thousands of dollars. 

Monday, November 25, 2019

No! Not the K-Pop star!

Police said an acquaintance found the 28-year-old dead at her home in southern Seoul and reported it to authorities

New flex for the one percent in America...

Going into an almost Disney like setting in their homes for Christmas.    I don't fault it.   I think  it makes our country grow.   It is a trend that might just be good for us all?

R. Kelly....people hate you.

I kind of feel bad for him....not much.   But some.

One of R. Kelly's live-in girlfriends, Joycelyn Savage, appears to be distancing herself from her past relationship with the disgraced singer in a new account on an online content subscription service.

Old flames are trying to cash in now...sad.

Sure ...come on in and get your beating.

82 and ready for anything.   Intruders went in...They crawled out.       Good for her.

I yelled at the TV last night!

Image result for walking dead whisper

The main cast was all running after the crazy bitch in the woods,   I see an open cave,   and they follow her right in.   Why?   Because you trust her so much?   After she cut the heads off many of your friends and stuck them on pikes....Wow you follow her into a dark cave?   Well spoiler...

They fell right into a pit full of the dead and they ended the show.   I was thinking... You need writers...

Sunday, November 24, 2019

I want a bite...

There really is nothing better than a cut of prime rib.    You tell me what it is and I will still say you are wrong.

Welcome to a watery grave...

These Abandoned Aircrafts Around The World Are Now A Tourist Attraction

It's hard to wrap your mind around the fact several people just went down to the bottom of the sea during WW2 never to be seen again.   The planes are found.   But the people who flew them are long gone.  

You all have two body parts that never stop growing...No not that.

After your parents have ticked off the last mark on your childhood growth chart, after you've stopped outgrowing shoes, and when the horrors of puberty are a distant memory, you may think it's safe to claim that you've "stopped growing." But there are two significant parts of your body that apparently didn't get the memo. Once the growth of the rest of your body has slowed to a stop, your nose and your ears continue increasing in size.

Ghost Gun?

3D printing guns and using them...Yes that is a problem and I don't see a way to stop it any time soon.   Pandora's box is open again.

You know...Why does it has to be color...race...???

Why  not look to win all Americans?    Not just one group ass she see it?   She said she would win black women.   Really?  

Saturday, November 23, 2019

No meds for you...?

Peak flu season is fast approaching North America and the U.S. government is actively encouraging anyone over 6 months old to vaccinate – that is, unless you are one of the thousands of people being detained in Customs and Border Protection facilities for undocumented entry...

While I feel bad for people who in some cases just wanted a better life...You  have to do it right.

You dirty dirty Prince!

Prince Andrew has “stepped back” from public duties, in the wake of a disastrous interview in which he failed to convincingly answer questions about his relationship with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. What exactly that means is still unclear; the word “unprecedented” is being used. But while there’s no script here—a prince is born, not hired—the British royal family has always been very good at surveying their various options and cobbling together a solution that protects the crown. And the history of the United Kingdom is littered with princely brothers who were inconvenient, dangerous, or just plain losers, who required handling