Monday, February 22, 2021

Pass the sword.

 Okay it posted twice and included another video...?  

Remember the good old days in NYS?

That Davis lady who ran a book full of very important people in NYS?   Yes I met her.  Got a pic signed.  Got a great hug.  A nice person over all.  

Sunday, February 21, 2021

LONG time before we see any of this.

 It's cold out there.   Two to three feet of snow.   No wind.  Above a little freezing.  Not much.   Ice frozen.   Just the middle of Winter.   Spring nearby?   Maybe?

Kind of a nothing race today unlike last week.

Hell even this video is more powerful.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

This man is interesting.

I watch him every week.   Alabama Man who took his love for the outdoors to a place he is the power horse operator.   

O sure we just reinvented the world.


VP of our wonderful U S O A.....She and her bunch have reinvented the wheel to run the country.   Yes?   That is her word in it all.   Her and Joe have brought our safety to the yard.   We will carry on thanks to their plans for the pandemic,   power needs,   bridges,  green this or that,   and dam much more.   Hey all they had to do was pick it up and put a new stamp on it.  DEM APPROVED!    Love it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Just a super good movie.

I miss the work these guys did.

So Old Joe wants to ruin some more gun companies?

 He wants to make sure gun companies are responsible for the damage their sales can make.   So say the above attack involves friends getting hit in the line of   It's a bad deal.   And where does it end.   Someone sells a hammer and a murder takes place.   Is that a case?   Man has already destroyed so much in the economy. 

Monday, February 15, 2021

Remember the great races?


Sure one was for cars.  One was for a girl's life.   Both were very interesting.

President's Day...?


Cancel social wants to stop celebrating men who for bad or good worked mighty hard to build this nation as it stands today.   Hard earned.    How do we forget a man who gave all for his country?   I say never.   

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Learn some bootie work out?

Yes you should and here is a link video.

Remember the man won in 2016 and faced nothing but evil government.

My biggest bitch about the election results....   We never had a great big parade with very large floats.   

You can say he got by it again...but...

 I can easily say the man just needed to get away from the job for awhile and build back his plan to finish the swamp.   He will one day put the job together.   I think it is just a step or two till the man finds a way to start changing our messed up government system for good.  

Saturday, February 13, 2021

So the working girl is interesting?

Well yes.   Who doesn't wonder what happens at a truck stop?

So do we just stop saying fair is fair?

 Did we not go through a wild time years ago with then President Clinton?   Was is stupid?  Yes it was.   It was about sex and keeping it from his then nasty wife.   Now it's about the time President Trump decided not to kiss the ass of some person in Congress or elsewhere.  So he becomes the monster they kind of are.   I don't see them kissing any ass.   They don't have to.  Which is cool.  You get up in that job, why would you?   

Do you remember when old white men really were race haters?

I do.    They seemed to be in every home.   Look I remember my Grand Ma telling some good stories at dinner time.   It was the times people lived in.   I really don't feel we are even near the levels people had in the 70s.   People have really made an effort to change.   Well most of us. 

Friday, February 12, 2021

Remember the old school 60s Go Go Dancing?

Well I do.    It was a big thing in the day.  We had local bars in Watertown NY that drew in the fans for miles.    No real strip downs.  Just dance what your Moma gave you.   Hey I believe it could easily be a thing again.   

Worse side effect of the virus?


I still have this acid taste in my mouth.   Not as bad.   But it still is there.   Taste has always been a bit off from this thing.   But that is okay.   Smell was a bit off.    But not bad.    But the acid taste....yuck.   I hope it goes away this weekend.   Sick of it.   

Hey now. What is that she is wearing?


Sexy dream music that if heard in your sleep is going to help you see her in your (well) dreams.   Well that's the claim.

Can we hold the NYS government to the fire for a pandemic?


Sure the old man said we could hold someone to the fire.   But he is not a lawyer.   People are asking for the head chop for the deaths of several people who they say were moved to the wrong place during their illness.   Let me tell you even at 57 (me) this virus has no easy fix.    At 70 to 90 it had to be a ticking bomb.   Would fast lockdowns have helped?  Maybe?  But as we know....The first answers to this thing was it wasn't much worse than the flu.   Not ragging on a good President...But that for some reason was a big error.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Hey is the Earth Round?


You judge it.

We just had a local dude get caught with 6 million in his home....

 He had no way to show where the money came from.   Police said drugs.   Have to wait to see how that case goes.   He could claim money hoarder.   He is in his 60s.   Might be a thing. 

I can"t wait till my lungs heal. Dam Virus.

 Try having lungs full of a tooth paste like substance....It hurts.

A show I would love to go back in time to.


State Fair free show.   Was just a tear jerker to hear the back story of the song.  

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

When my kids were kids...

 They had a band.   They were not real good.   But they tried.   I replaced the music to sort of help them 

Going to include some of the old content. Just not hard core stuff.


I want some old school fun without causing any drama.   I have a warning up front.  So I believe adults who go by the warning should be able to handle it.  Yes? 

Okay yes the one video was edited to screw the message.


He did ask at the end of the video for everyone to be peaceful and respectful.  But the fake news chopped it.   DEMs did at the first hearing Tuesday too.  Sure what would have been a smarter move?   Yes not having the thing in the first place.   But he did it.  And yes he should still be protected by free speech.   DEMs took a knee in Congress in support of the Summer riots and more happened.   Are they not guilty of inciting riots?   Or is it free speech for them? 

Maybe make up you own mind?

 Hate to say this may be an edited to ruin the man video. 

President Trump asked for blood?

 He was asking that day for a peaceful protest,   his V.P. to drag the deal out,   and for Republican loyalists.   But he got a bunch of morons who never should have went near the doors of the building.  V.P. Pence did nothing.   Republicans went off the rail.   O and yes a bunch of people in Congress who need to grow up,  one day.   President Trump did not want to leave without making a stink.   Yes that is true.   He wanted America to understand the election was a joke.  Is that wrong?   Maybe?   But he never asked for anyone to enter the Capital Building.   Never to destroy anything.  Never to hurt anyone.   Now do any of you remember the riots this Summer?   The DEMs stated many times it was a great message for America,   people just blowing off steam,   and who cares about the millions in dollars of destroyed property.   Can't have it both ways...right?

Where have I been? Virus almost got me.


No I have not been hanging with the new maid.   I have been in and out of doctor's offices,  hospitals,   and bed.    I had one week where I didn't sleep.   I almost lost it from no sleep.   I'm 57 years old.  It was not a treat to get this crap.    I am still fighting to get my lungs cleaned up and dry.   Worse side effect I had?    Brain Fog.   You can not focus on anything.   Simple tasks seem so hard.   You are so dam beat.  Still have trouble staying on an easy job.   Could not mow the yard right now if it wasn't covered under snow.    Worse thing with brain problems,  telling what was real or not.   For real.  I question if everything I think happened was real.   O and there is no new maid.